Thursday, 31 May 2012

Day One @ The Bunker (25/05/12)

Today was the first day of shooting for our film at Hope Cove Bunker; after unloading all the equipment out of a transit into the location (we kept all the equipment together in a room that we used as a base of operations); we got straight into the production; whilst Joe and Bob went through the plan for the day and the rest of the weekend, I was assigned the role of going upto the boardroom and setting up the track and dolly for one of the more tricky shots in the script. This was the first time that I've actually had to set up and use the track and dolly outside of college on a film-set, I did have to ask Patrick for a bit of help setting up the legs for the dolly; so as a reminder of how to set this up I took stills of the dolly for reference point for any future productions.

After setting up the track and dolly, I then went straight into setting up the lighting for the scene, whilst Bob was working on the set design; using a couple of Dedo lights I started to test lighting setups with our the actor sat in the shot and Joe on the camera I was able to find the correct lighting setup whilst keeping in constant communication with Joe as to the style and then discussing the fine tuning of the lighting as a group together. After quite a few attempts at lighting the set, I eventually got the shot we were all looking to achieve, for the shot itself I had to push the dolly slowly towards our actor whilst Joe was pulling focus on camera. The shot was actually quite difficult from my perspective as there was a little dip in the floor and the dolly seemed to speed up at a certain point and to get the right framing for the end of the tracking shot I devised a DIY strategy for knowing where to stop the dolly perfectly, which actually worked really well.

After this scene was finally shot, we had to shoot the rest of the angles in the boardroom scene; this for me was again a case of working with the Dedo lights to get the right highlights needed in the shots, this meant I had to make use of diffusing the lights by using the panels that came with the LED lights which seemed to work really at getting rid of the harshness of the Dedo's.

After this scene was shot the rest of the day was used to try and film as much of the 'easier' scenes that we could managed before we had to leave the Bunker; this meant for most of the day I was lighting scenes using the LED lights which was something that I haven't done on previous films, but this is where my low-key LED lighting test with Joe really came in handy; as I was able to light the scenes the way required pretty quickly, and with some really good communication with the rest of the crew we were able to light these shots very effectively.

Still of my DIY stopping point for the dolly shot; using a Lucozade bottle with a mobile phone; from my operating position of pushing the dolly I set these 2 items up so that I could see where my end track point was accurately given my point of view.

Still of the lighting set-up that I used for the tracking in shot for the "boardroom scene")

Still of my lighting set-up for the close up shot of our character, highlighting his face whilst bouncing lighting off the back wall onto the board; making the written formulas more visible in shot.

Me diffusing the light from the Dedo using the LED cover to get the desired look for the lighting in the close up shot..

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