Monday 30 April 2012

Research: Visual styles for The Lonely Dead

The Drug Addict
This shot is how I imagine we will find the films drug addict in the opening scene, the angle of the shot allows the viewer to see a clear amount of his apartment; which will allow us to set the scene, but we will have the drug addict looking the other way to try and add suspense to the scene; hopefully the viewer will be unsure as to whether the body on the floor is someone of the living or the undead.

The Drug Addicts Apartment
For the drug addicts apartment I'd like to try and achieve an amalgamation of the two rooms above and below; having the room scattered with rubbish and various random everyday items, but set in the desolate room of the photo below with boarded up windows and graffiti sprayed on the walls, and a dirty rotten mattress in the corner.

The Kitchen

This is how I imagine the drug dealers kitchen to look like; dirty tiles and broken cabinets; though to add to the atmosphere and to add depth to our drug addicts character, we we make sure that the sink would be piled up with dirty dishes, glasses etc... and have random assortments of prescription pills in the cupboard spaces.

The Alleyway Scenes
 Here is how I imagine the alleyways in the film to look like; very narrow streets so our characters appeared to be hemmed in and adding a claustrophobic feel to the atmosphere of the scenes; and I'd like find some locations with high rise buildings that seem to add to the claustrophobic feel; pinning our characters into a seemingly inescapable encounter with the undead.
 The high contrast shadows in the above shot of an alleyway is something that I feel will work extremely well within the scenes during the alleyway sequences; will provide great opportunity to find the immanent threat of the undead, whilst also being able to mask the visual appearance of the walking dead, keeping that obscure nature to the film; as to who our main 2 characters are avoiding (the undead or their own drug induced paranoia).
I really like the lighting in this shot, especially with the yellow glow emitted from the lamps above; I think that if we can achieve this yellow colour palette with the high contrast shadows of the previous image above then we will have a very creepily lit scene and location, yet also being rather visually pleasing on the eye from a cinematography standpoint.

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